The assault on communities of color, low income communities and immigrant communities is continuing at a rampant pace given the latest news coming out of 45’s administration. DACA now hangs in the balance, which means that the lives of 500,000 young people are hanging in the balance. Educators and communities need to be on guard and armed with information that can support and defend the rights of all students and their families. Below are some concrete action steps that educators can take to support students in their care.
This list of resources comes from American Federation of Teachers.
15 things educators, school support staff and communities can do to help protect undocumented students and their families.
- Inform students and their families of their rights.
- Stress the importance of taking proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of children and entire communities.
- Distribute “know your rights” materials to students and communities about what to do if a raid occurs or an individual is detained.
- Find out if there is a local immigration raid rapid response team. These teams usually consist of attorneys, media personnel and community leaders who may be able to provide support.
- Partner with a pro bono attorney, legal aid organization or immigrant rights organization to schedule a “know your rights” workshop on campus to inform students and families about their rights.
- Provide a safe place for students to wait if a parent or sibling has been detained.
- Provide counseling for students who have had a family member detained by ICE.
- Maintain a list of resources, such as the names of social workers, pro bono attorneys and local immigration advocates and organizations, that can be shared with your students and their families.
- Identify someone at your school who can serve as the immigration resource advocate in your building or on your campus.
- Work with parents to develop a family immigration raid emergency plan.
- Make your school an ICE-free zone/sanctuary school.
- Work with your school board to pass a resolution affirming schools as welcoming places of learning for all students, distancing the schools from enforcement actions that separate families.
- Issue statements condemning raids and calling for the immediate release of students.
- Participate in National Educators Coming Out Day, held annually on Nov. 12, and “come out” in support of undocumented students —
- Participate in National Institutions Coming Out Day, held annually on April 7 —